Thursday 28 August 2008

Summer 2008

It has been a lovely summer after all. We moved house in April, and it was very sad to leave behind the amazing garden we had there. Our house now is very comfortable and big, but it has a small patio, with no grass. After visiting Melanie, and my Cheslyn Gardens experience, I realized that I could use the flower beds to make the patio look more alive and green. And it is working! Cheslyn Gardens inspired me. I went there for the first time two months ago with Matthew, Lucas and Emilia. It was a lovely sunny Saturday and we took the bikes. It is beautiful. Cheslyn Gardens belonged to a couple, who left the house with the gardens to the council, when they died. Such a great act of loveliness. I didn't have a 'proper' garden, and I need the green so much. I need the bees buzzing, the colors of the flowers, the leaves moving with the wind. I need the quite and peaceful life of a garden around me all the time. You can loose yourself in it. A plant is such a simple thing, it is so peaceful, it takes so long to grow, and it is always alive. It is healing to mimic them from time to time. And these people I don't know they gave us all in Watford that oportunity. You have to find it, it is a secret garden, like Lucas likes to call it. A secret garden with secrets. A secret that I hear from the plants, that I can't say because I can't find the right words. It something to be felt, so when I want to share the secret I just take them to these gardens, and I hope they can hear it too. This picture is when I took my mum, we went in the bikes, with the children. I also took Elyse, and she loved it too.
That is why I am so into gardening our patio. I want to have something to remind me of the secret everyday when I look out of the window.

1 comment:

  1. Hello dear Silvia, I think the blog is wonderful and I just loved the slide show. Some of the photos are breathtaking like the one with Emilia and her little braids. I will look forward to reading it often. The comments about the garden are so lovely and makes me want to do some more gardening myself. lots of love to you, elysexx
